New conditions of creating and developing a new market and a new culture to the commercial transactions means, between others, adjustment to the modern demands for healthy financial offers, negotiation of prices and reliable renegotiation.
The “Energy in Business” application was designed and developed in such way so the user as “interested party” may:
- Get a comprehensive view of the suggested solution of his request quality-wise and financially-wise
- Choose to bargain for a better price covering his true needs according to his own criteria
- Initiate the auction procedure, succeeding more efficient solutions based on his true and substantial needs
But as a “member” too, he has the opportunity to:
- Place himself financially, without vain movements, without wasting extra time, in the time he is given
- Replace his financial offer, knowing that he is one out of the three who have been chosen for renegotiation
- Take part in an auction, knowing the starting price just 15 minutes earlier, for reasons of reliability and confidentiality and claiming a project through uniform offers, through an irreproachable – on every level – procedure
The “Energy in Business” platform assures on every level and every case, the easy, fast and reliable application of all the necessary preconditions for the correct and reliable conduct of every negotiation, every auction, every market research.